Access Doors, Inlet / Outlet Screens and Guards, Inlet/Outlet Companion
Flanges, Belt Guards, Motor Covers, Inlet Bells, Inlet/Outlet Cones, Special
Coatings, Disconnect Switches, Horizontal Supports, Vertical Supports, Shaft
Seals, Vibration Isolation, Hoods, Stack Caps and Curb Caps, Externally
Mounted Conduit Boxes and Extended Lube Line
Sales of industrial fans & blowers, high pressure blowers, centrifugal fans, axial ventilators, roow and wall exhaust and supply fans, material handling blowers & radial fans, scroll cage fan ventilators, high temperature fans and blowers, New York Blower, Twin City Fan / Aerovent, Chicago Blower fans, Peerless Fans, Dayton Ventilators, Sheldons fans & blowers, Canarm Leader ventilators, IAP fans, Industrial Air. Large blowers and ventilators for industrial plants from Buffalo, New York.
Canada Blower hHigh temperature fans, industrial process pressure blowers, high pressure side channel regenerative pressure blowers; industrial; process and commercial heating; ventilating and air conditioning equipment.
Canada Blower Centrifugal Power Roof Ventilators:
Canada Blower Co. has introduced wide range of Heat and Smoke Removal Power Roof Ventilators. These PRVs are especially designed, built and proven by independent test to meet the need of venting hot gases and smoke in the event of fire in commercial and industrial buildings, such as factories, warehouses, parking garages, shopping malls and department stores.
Type HS PRVs reliably extract large volumes of hot gases and smoke regardless of building configuration, location and weather conditions. They withstand high temperatures for long periods of time.
A reliable ventilation system that can operate during a fire is both vital and essential. It prevents smoke logging, allows people to escape quickly, minimizes damages to property and contents and enables firemen to attack the fire without hindrance. These power roof ventilators have the added advantage of providing normal day to day ventilation and in many cases can also be fitted with duct work for use in multi storey buildings.
The concept of venting smoke and heat was first outlined by Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI). Use of powered ventilation could eliminate the problems experienced with gravity vents. Specially designed roof mounted exhaust fans would mechanically vent heat and smoke under emergency fire conditions.
In addition to the reliability and effectiveness of this powered ventilation concept, the use of HS PRVs to vent heat and smokes has these specific advantages:
* It is not dependent on air temperature differential or wind direction and velocity to create air movement.
* It does not rely on heat itself to activate the system. Smoke detectros and water-flow devices also may be utilized.
* It provides for normal ventilation needs of the building as well as for emergency use as a vital component of the fire protection system.
* There is ususally a substantial cost saving in the purchase and installation of the dual purpose system.
* Maintenance cost for building and equipment is frequently reduced.
* The system can be effectively used in multi storied and below grade building areas.
* Reliability of operations is assured because powered ventilators are in daily use and receive regular inspection and maintenance.
The unique Type HS power roof ventilators provide a solution for emergency heat and smoke venting that is dependable under the most extreme circumstances.